Personal Pronouns, Προσωπικές Αντωνυμίες.
Μου vs Με (Genitive vs Accusative, Personal Pronouns)
Μου vs Με (Genitive vs Accusative, Personal Pronouns)
I want to go to the cinema
I want to go to the cinema
Short sentences – Pronouns
Short sentences - Pronouns
Να τος, Να τη, Να το – Here it is / Here he – she is.
Να τος, Να τη, Να το - Here it is / Here he - she is.
Idioms – Κάνω του κεφαλιού μου
Idioms - Κάνω του κεφαλιού μου
Personal Pronouns in Accusative and Genitive as the object of the verb
Personal Pronouns in Accusative and Genitive as the object of the verb. We use mainly Genitive.
Personal Pronoun σου vs σε
Personal Pronoun σου vs σε
Προσωπικές Αντωνυμίες – Αδύνατοι τύποι – Free Post
Personal Pronouns – Weak types
I like, Μου αρέσει…
I like, Μου αρέσει...