Month: October 2022

10 Κανόνες ορθογραφίας – 10 Spelling rules

10 Κανόνες ορθογραφίας – 10 Spelling rules 1st rule1ος κανόνας Τα ρήματαόταν τελειώνουν σε –ω, γράφονται με –ωκαι όταν τελειώνουν σε –ει, γράφονται με –ει....

This content is for Hellenic Lessons’ Learners - 2 months, Hellenic Lessons’ Learners - 6 months, and Hellenic Lessons’ Learners - 1 year members only.
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Indicative – Subjunctive – Imperative – Participle (to drink)

Indicative - Subjunctive - Imperative - Participle (to drink)

This content is for Hellenic Lessons’ Learners - 2 months, Hellenic Lessons’ Learners - 6 months, and Hellenic Lessons’ Learners - 1 year members only.
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